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Benjamin Martel Team Spirit/Cannondale p/b Rhus Elementi © Pasquale Stalteri Photography |
After a respectful yet modest cycling career (career highlights below), Martel is a prime example of the fact that doping is not limited to the cycling elite. Doping does not discriminate and motives may vary from fighting for national and international recognition to just wanting to remain part of the local scene.
An interesting detail concerning this story is that Team Spirit team-mate and team president Erik Lyman also has a doping past which raises the obvious questions. But while many are quick to suspect Lyman's involvement, the allegations seem to be based on mere speculation.
Lyman claims to have had no prior knowledge of Martel's doping and also said that Benjamin was the last person he would have ever suspected of committing such an offence.
"Because of my past, I know that the media and the public will say all sorts of good and bad things about me and Team Spirit. I also know that based on correlations, some will try to portray me in the worst possible light. I understand and accept it with humility."
"Testing positive implies more than just a two year sanction; it means there will be a cloud of doubt cast over you for the rest of your life. It’s something that everyone should consider seriously prior to even thinking of using any banned substances."
"Concerning Benjamin’s case, the doping rules are very clear; everyone is responsible for substances found in their own body. Benjamin has made an individual mistake which he will have to manage individually."
Lyman also mentioned that Martel had been dismissed from the team immediately upon being informed of the positive drug test and that their friendship has been severely strained as a result of the incident.
“Benjamin is no longer part of our modest organization and all of our riders have been informed that they are not allowed to be sportingly involved with him.”
From Geneviève Jeanson* to Benjamin Martel, and the whole spectrum of riders in-between, doping may be a little more widespread than originally suspected. The Martel case shows that it’s not only professional riders who ‘juice up’ and that certain amateurs are also tempted. Some of these dopers might finish on the podium while others finish in the pack. All this indicates that doping is a bigger problem in Quebec cycling than many of us are willing to admit.
Cycling since the age of 13, Benjamin Martel has competed in over 50 events in both Canada and the United States without any previous doping infractions. But now the manager and co-founder of Team Spirit/Cannondale p/b Rhus Elementi is the latest Quebec rider to test positive for a banned substance and faces the prospect of a two-year ban.
Benjamin Martel’s Career Highlights:
2005 64th: Ottawa Bicycle Club Grand Prix
2006 2nd in Stage 2: Coupe de la Paix
2006 1st in Stage 4: Coupe de la Paix
2008 24th: Ottawa Bicycle Club Grand Prix
2008 35th: Tour de Beauce
2010 1st in stage 10: Les Mardis Cyclistes de Lachine
2010 4th: Ottawa Bicycle Club Grand Prix
2010 24th: Tour de Beauce
2011 1st in stage 9: Les Mardis Cyclistes de Lachine
2011 3rd: Classique Montréal Québec Louis Garneau
2011 5th: Mardis Cyclistes de Lachine overall
2011 14th: Québec road championships
2011 43rd: Tour de Beauce
2011 62nd: Tour of the Battenkill
2011 DNF: Canadian road championships
* = Geneviève Jeanson (Rona) was a Quebec cyclist who gained international acclaim from 1999—2005 before testing positive for EPO in 2005 and later admitting to having used it “all her career”
Pasquale Stalteri
Quebec cyclist receives a two-year ban for the presence of testosterone during Quebec Provincial Road Race Championships in 2011
(Ottawa, Ontario – February 8, 2012) – The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) announced today that cyclist Benjamin Martel has received a two-year sanction for the presence of testosterone, a prohibited substance on the World Anti-Doping Agency 2011 Prohibited List. The violation occurred during in-competition doping control during the Quebec Provincial Road Race Championships on August 28, 2011. This is the third Quebec cyclist to receive a two-year ban for the presence of a prohibited substance in 2011.
In response to the CCES’ notification of the adverse analytical finding, Martel exercised his right to a hearing under the rules of the Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP).
Based on the evidence and testimony presented, Arbitrator Dumoulin upheld the recommendation of the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport and imposed a two-year sanction commencing August 28, 2011 and terminating on August 28, 2013.
During the hearing held on January 10, 2012, Arbitrator Ross Dumoulin concluded that Martel had failed to prove “No Fault or Negligence” nor “No Significant Fault or Negligence” (CADP Rules 7.44 and 7.45). Arbitrator Dumoulin stated that the athlete had failed to exercise the necessary degree of caution in order to be considered for any type of sanction reduction.
A copy of the full decision can be found at www.sdrcc.ca.
Pursuant to CADP Rule 7.18, Martel is not eligible to participate in any capacity in any sport activity sanctioned by the Canadian Cycling Association or other national sport governing body until such time as the suspension has been served. This includes, but is not limited to, competitions, official training sessions and training camps.
“This testing mission was conducted as part of a strategic approach based on intelligence gathered in related testing,” said Paul Melia, President and CEO of the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport. “We welcome information about doping activities and encourage people to help us protect athletes who choose to compete clean by contacting us through our confidential communication systems.”
Any persons with knowledge of doping activities may contact the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport at: (1-800-710-CCES) or by email at intelligence@cces.ca.
The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport is an independent, national, not-for profit organization. We recognize that true sport can make a great difference for individuals, communities and our country. We are committed to working collaboratively to activate a values-based and principle-driven sport system; protecting the integrity of sport from the negative forces of doping and other unethical threats; and advocating for sport that is fair, safe and open to everyone.
CCES Suspends Benjamin Martel for Two Years
(Ottawa, ON – February 08, 2012) The Canadian Cycling Association (CCA) has been advised by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) that another participant in the Québec Provincial Road Race Championships, held on August 28, 2011, Benjamin Martel, has been sanctioned for the presence of the banned substance testosterone.
Mr. Martel chose to have a hearing in his case which resulted in the process being very time consuming. The decision of the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada adjudicator was provided on January 23, 2012.
John Tolkamp, President of the CCA noted; “This case of doping further highlights the need for continued testing and education. We must continue to educate the young riders on the need to Race Clean and be proud of their accomplishments in that vain while being vigilant towards those that will take short cuts”.
“We remain concerned that any rider would resort to doping and know that we need to focus testing at all levels,” said CCA Chief Executive Officer and Secretary General Greg Mathieu. “As we have said previously, cheaters need to know that the CCA and CCES are collaborating to ensure testing at all levels and types of races to rid our sport of this menace”.
The CCA remains firmly and adamantly opposed to all forms of doping and has taken strong measures to monitor, test and educate athletes in the sport.
In accordance with the Canadian Anti-doping Policy the CCES has imposed a two-year ban from competition on Mr. Martel effective August 28, 2011 to August 28, 2013.
Any persons with knowledge of doping activities may contact the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport at: (1-800-710-CCES) or by email at intelligence@cces.ca.
The Canadian Cycling Association is the governing body for competitive cycling in Canada. Founded in 1882, the CCA aims to create and sustain an effective system that develops talented Canadian cyclists to achieve Olympic, Paralympic and World Championship medal performances. With the vision to be a leading competitive cycling nation by 2020 celebrating enhanced international success, increased a participation and world class event hosting, the CCA manages the National teams, hosts national and international events, and administers community programs to promote Cycling in Canada. For more information, please visit: www.canadian-cycling.com.
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Le Centre Canadian pour l’éthique dans le sport (CCES) suspend Benjamin Martel pour deux ans
(Ottawa, ON – Le 08 février, 2012) L'Association cycliste canadienne (ACC) a été avisée par le Centre canadien pour l'éthique dans le sport (CCES) qu'un autre participant à la course sur route des championnats provinciaux du Québec qui ont eu lieu le 28 août 2011, Benjamin Martel, a été sanctionné pour la présence de testostérone, une substance interdite par le Programme canadien antidopage.
M. Martel a choisi d'avoir une audience dans son affaire, et les procédures ont abouti à de longs délais. La décision de l’arbitre du Centre de règlement des différends sportifs du Canada (CRDSC), n'a été rendue que le 23 janvier 2012.
John Tolkamp, président de l’Association cycliste canadienne note : «Ce cas de dopage souligne encore la nécessité de poursuivre l’administration de tests antidopage, et d’augmenter nos efforts d'éducation sur le dopage. Nous devons continuer à éduquer les jeunes cyclistes canadiens au sujet de la nécessité de rouler au naturel, et rendre ces cyclistes fiers de leurs réalisations tout en étant vigilants envers ceux qui prennent des raccourcis vers la performance. »
« Nous restons préoccupés par le fait que certains coureurs aient recours au dopage, et nous savons que nous devons nous concentrer sur l’administration de tests antidopage à tous les niveaux, » a déclaré le directeur exécutif et secrétaire général de l’Association cycliste canadienne, Greg Mathieu. « Comme nous l'avons déclaré précédemment, les tricheurs doivent savoir que l’ACC et le CCES collaborent pour assurer l’administration de tests antidopage, et ce à tous les niveaux, et dans tous les types de courses, dans le but de nettoyer notre sport de cette menace. »
L’Association cycliste canadienne reste fermement et catégoriquement opposée à toute forme de dopage, et elle a pris des mesures énergiques pour contrôler, tester et éduquer les athlètes dans le sport.
Conformément au Programme canadien antidopage, le CCES a imposé une interdiction de compétition de deux ans à M. Martel, soit du 28 août 2011 au 28 août 2013.
Toutes personnes ayant connaissance des activités de dopage peuvent communiquer avec le Centre canadien pour l'éthique dans le sport à l'adresse: (1-800-710-CCES) ou par courriel à intelligence@cces.ca.
L’Association cycliste canadienne (ACC) est l'organisme qui régit le cyclisme de compétition au Canada. Fondée en 1882, l’ACC a pour objectif de mettre en place et de soutenir un système efficace qui forme des cyclistes canadiens de talent capables de décrocher des médailles aux Jeux olympiques, aux Jeux paralympiques et aux Championnats du monde. Avec la vision de devenir d’ici 2020 un des pays les plus performants en cyclisme, jouissant de performances internationales améliorées, profitant d'une participation nationale accrue et organisant des événements de niveau mondial, l’ACC gère les équipes canadiennes, accueille des événements nationaux et internationaux, et administre les programmes communautaires visant à promouvoir le cyclisme au Canada. Pour plus d'informations, consultez s'il vous plaît : www.canadian-cycling.com.
This is the best example of a nobody that wanted to be a better rider. Not even a provincial or national team member that wants to do some projects, no, just a nobody. He won a few races with dope, this is sad.
He is not even an has been. C'Mon.
A nobody that wanted to be a better rider. lolll Thats a good joke . He's probably one of the best in quebec. You're just jealous.
Hein? Qui est jaloux de Benjamin Martel? Êtes-vous sérieux? Un des meilleurs coureurs au Québec? Comment ça???
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Si vous aviez la moindre connaissance dans le monde du vélo, vous comprendriez pourquoi il est bon. Sinon, continuez à dire n’importe quoi derrière votre ordi, vous faite du bon travail
it's not just about the rider but the system in general. If there was no free bikes, no saleries and no athlete coddling like there is today this would have never occured
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